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2023年4月17-29日 TICA Festival 2023


TICA Festival 2023

獲香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」的資助,國際共襄創意學院 (Toolbox Intentional Creative Academy, TICA 2023) ,拉開與國際頂尖音樂家專業交流帷幕,為本地表演藝術注加新藝力。活動以探索弦樂及擊樂創意演奏為切入點,促進青年音樂家共襄樂習,以水準一流之音樂匯演聯動大眾與樂「襄」遇。

Past Events ( 17/4 - 29/4 )

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5th TPICC Prize Announcement: 

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About the programme:

5 th TPICC 

TICA 2022


Aug 14 7.30 Salon Concert Screening with Duo Moitié

Aug 18 7.30 Reconnecting to the World through Creativity, Heritage and Technology 


Youth Square
Aug 25 14.00 Creative Writing on Performance Art with AI

Aug 25 15.00 Art Tech and Interactive Design for Storytelling
Aug 25 16.30 Hong Kong and Macau: Cultural Exchange Horizons

Aug 26 14:00 e-Orch Innovative Music Project  & Performance

Event Details & Registrations:

TICA Salon: Percussion Duo Moitié Screening Recital

Percussion Duo Moitié is a Korean percussion duo founded in 2010, comprising of June Hahn and Eunhye Kim. The unique repertoire consists of compositions written by Korean composers, arrangements for percussion of classical pieces by Bach, Scriabin, Piazzolla, Rimsky-Korsakov, Albeniz, Takemitsu and others. They have premiered more than 30 new musics and commissioned 8 pieces. 'Moitié' means ‘half’ in French, they donate half of their earnings to children with special needs.

Reconnecting to the World through Creativity, Heritage and Technology by Helen So, Winnie Yeung and Louis Siu
Exploring the unique intersection of art technology and conservation, we will be taking a deep dive into how the trend of using technology to aid heritage management, and how conservation can be an effective vehicle for ushering in the new.

Creative Writing on Performance Art with AI by Kelvin Choy@iCreator

Artificial Intelligence is progressing at an astonishing speed, where there are plenty of untapped potential in language learning. AI can analyse, imitate and even create sentences. Would it threaten human creativity? Is it a fairy tale for humans and AI to write collaboratively?

Art tech and interactive design for Storytelling by Sharon Tai@IOIO

What is ArtTech? Do artists care if you understand their work? Who owns the story of a work? What is the role of technology? This sharing aims to tease out some of the FAQs audience have towards media art and invite participants to shape their answers amid participatory experiment!

Hong Kong and Macau: Cultural Exchange Horizons by Yolanda Lam and Louis Siu
Our adjacent sister city Macau is not the first name that pops up  in the discussion of cultural exchange. What are the opportunities that exist so close to our own doorsteps?


e-Orch Innovative Music Project  & Performance

This performance will showcase the future of musical performance: a full multi-instrument experience, delivered from an orchestra of iPads! With the use of Hong Kong’s  very own collaborative music-making app, e-Orch by the Education University, we can get a glimpse of the music. Featuring the award-winning Grid Notation, music score-reading has been made easier than ever, making music-making much more accessible and easy for everyone. 







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