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Percussion Workshop Preview: Adrian Spillett

Percussion Workshop Preview: Adrian Spillett

My playing career covers both orchestral and contemporary percussion so I've chosen 2 very different style excerpts. 2 auxiliary instruments which often get neglected are the Tambourine, but more so, the Tam Tam... in fact, have you ever had a Tam Tam lesson? I know I certainly haven't! We're going to take a brief look at the tambourine part in the Storm from Benjamin Britten's Sea Interludes. It's a famous excerpt over here in the UK, but not so familiar overseas and catches many percussionists out. We'll check out the different techniques involved, discuss the pros and cons to using thumbs vs fingers, how to navigate the tricky crescendo's & diminuendo's whilst keeping an eye on the general musicianship around the excerpt. Kroumata Pieces by Sven-David Sandström is a terrific percussion sextet I have had the pleasure of performing a few times. The opening is outrageously powerful and has a tune (yes, tune!) on 4 tam tams. It's tricky to get around and epic fun... we can all have a go here and cover all the parts. I'll be joined by some of my students from the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire to help out too. If we have time, let's talk about audition ''do's & don'ts"... having sat on many exam/audition panels, it's frustrating at times seeing promising players let themselves down on simple things which are easy to fix. Adrian Spillett is Section Leader Percussion with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra as well as a member of the Colin Currie Group & Quartet. He won the BBC Young Musician Competition back in 1998 and has had a varied career playing in groups such as the Graham Fitkin Band, London Sinfonietta, Birmingham Contemporary Music Group and the John Wilson Orchestra. He was a founder member of 4-MALITY Percussion Quartet and is a Percussion Tutor at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. 我的職業演奏生涯包含了管弦樂及當代敲擊樂,所以道取兩邊風格迥然不同的兩首選段作討論,主要解構一下兩種經常被忽略的輔助樂器─鈴鼓及鑼。仔細一想,一個針對鑼的課堂,你和我都絕對未上過呢! 我們會由布烈頓的海之間奏曲 〈風暴〉 中鈴鼓的部分切入。這是在英國為人熟悉的音樂選段,在海外可能較為陌生,敲擊樂手出錯就更易。我們會解構演奏選段時需用的演奏技巧、討論使用拇指和其他手指演奏的優缺點、處理棘手的漸強與漸弱,同時不失整體的音樂性。
 桑德斯特倫的 Kroumata Pieces 是我其中一首我有幸演奏的敲擊樂六重奏。這選段以四個有音調的鑼配強而有力地開始,這些細節都不容易處理但同時又非常經典。在這我們可以嘗試演奏不同部分,今次英國皇家伯明罕音樂學院的學生亦會參與在我們當中協助我們。
 若時間許可,我們可以討論試鏡時的「該做與不該做」。作為多次考試及樂團考核評審,最令我懊惱的是見到大有可為的樂手因小問題而落選 。
 安卓恩·史賓列特是伯明罕市立交響樂團的敲擊樂首席,亦是柯林.卡瑞四重奏的成員之一。他曾於1998年 BBC青年音樂家比賽中奪冠。他演出生涯非常多樣化,曾參與費特金樂團 (譯名)、倫敦小交響樂團、伯明罕現代音樂室內樂團及約翰威爾森管弦樂團。他是英國馬樂地敲擊樂四重奏的創始成員,現在是英國皇家伯明罕音樂學院的敲擊樂導師。
Percussion Workshop Preview: Owen Gunnell

Percussion Workshop Preview: Owen Gunnell

As someone who has a pretty varied musical life, it is really important to be able to adapt and prepare for the very different scenarios. One day I can be in tails playing the xylophone in a shostakovich symphony, the next day could be in blacks playing some stockhausen, and the day after I could be dressed as a fairy playing the sugar plum fairy out the front of an orchestra. All of which are enjoyable! In the class we will be discuss simple technical and mental warm-ups, then what happens when we first see the music, to what happens before we play the first note. Once all that is decided we then move onto the actual music, and becoming a better musician... Owen Gunnell is one half of O duo, a member of the Colin Currie Group/quartet, Artistic Director of Childrens Classic Concerts, as well as appearing with other several other orchestras and groups. He is also Professor of percussion at The Royal Welsh College of music and Drama, The Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and the Royal College of music. 作為多元的音樂人,游走於不同界別的適應力及準備至關緊要。今日我一襲燕尾服在木琴上演奏蕭斯達高維契的交響曲;另一天我又一身黑西裝演奏著施托克豪;換一天我又可以搖身一變扮演糖梅仙子在管弦樂團前演奏 - 這一切我盡都享受! 在課堂上,我們會以基礎技巧、心理預備入手,探討由初見樂譜到彈出第一個音的應對策略。熟演以上種種,我們才開始談,何謂一名更好的樂手。 Owen Gunnell 是 O duo 的成員、柯林·卡瑞四重奏的成員、兒童經典音樂會的藝術總監,也與不同樂手組成樂隊。他同時以敲擊樂教授身份,任教於英國皇家威爾士音樂戲劇學院、英國皇家伯明罕音樂學院和皇家音樂學院。


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