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上野健 - 敲擊襄國際作曲比賽


敲擊襄的顧問委員之一,以及 2019 敲擊襄國際作曲比賽首席評審 — 上野健分享了他的歌單。上野健是一位作曲家、聲樂及聲音藝術家,現為加利福尼亞大學柏克萊分校 Jerry and Evelyn Hemmings Chambers 音樂專業傑出教授。



來聽聽他最近的歌單 Playlist:
1. See You Again - Tyler, the Creator:…

2. 今宵多珍重 - My Little Airport:…

3. Schubert Bb Sonata - Mitsuko Uchida:


To suffer woes which Hope thinks infinite;
To forgive wrongs darker than death or night;
To defy Power, which seems omnipotent;
To love, and bear; to hope till Hope creates
From its own wreck the thing it contemplates;
Neither to change, nor falter, nor repent;
This, like thy glory, Titan, is to be
Good, great and joyous, beautiful and free;
This is alone Life; Joy, Empire, and Victory!

詩詞摘錄自珀西·雪萊於 1820 年出版 “Prometheus Unbound”,內容與希臘神話人物普羅米修斯的受難故事有關。

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